Future Unison所属作家が手掛けた楽曲が2曲収録された、THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBEのアルバム『THE RIOT』がオリコン週間アルバムランキング3位を獲得!

THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE’s album “THE RIOT” which includes 2 songs composed by Future Unison writers reached #3 on the weekly Oricon Chart.


Lyrics by Masaya Wada
Music by T-SK, SIRIUS
Track Produced by T-SK
Additional Guitar by G-ROW

“Dirty Disco” (豪華版ライブ映像にのみ収録)
Lyrics by HIROMI
Music by HENRIK Nordenback, Christian Fast, Didrik Thott
Track Produced by HENRIK Nordenback
MV: YouTube “Dirty Disco”
