J-Popのトップライン制作を強みとする他、生楽器サウンド・バラード曲を得意とし、所属後は7人組アイドルユニットJewel☆Neigeのメジャー3rdシングル『Winter Road』に収録されている楽曲“Restart”の作詞作曲編曲を手掛けている。
When Hiroki Nakahara was in high school, he became fascinated by the sound of a piano coming from the music room, sparking his interest in music. Shortly after, he began to get serious about playing the piano.
In 2019, he performed piano at the Atami Art Festival in his home town of Atami. After graduating from high school, he went on to study at the Shobi College of Music as part of their Arrangement and Composition Department.
In addition to his strengths in the production of J-Pop top-lines, Hiroki Nakahara also specialises in live instrumental sounds and ballad songs.
He is responsible for writing the lyrics to the song “Restart” included in the third major single “Winter Road” by the seven-member idol group Jewel☆Neige.
J-Popのトップライン制作を強みとする他、生楽器サウンド・バラード曲を得意とし、所属後は7人組アイドルユニットJewel☆Neigeのメジャー3rdシングル『Winter Road』に収録されている楽曲“Restart”の作詞作曲編曲を手掛けている。
When Hiroki Nakahara was in high school, he became fascinated by the sound of a piano coming from the music room, sparking his interest in music. Shortly after, he began to get serious about playing the piano.
In 2019, he performed piano at the Atami Art Festival in his home town of Atami. After graduating from high school, he went on to study at the Shobi College of Music as part of their Arrangement and Composition Department.
In addition to his strengths in the production of J-Pop top-lines, Hiroki Nakahara also specialises in live instrumental sounds and ballad songs.
He is responsible for writing the lyrics to the song “Restart” included in the third major single “Winter Road” by the seven-member idol group Jewel☆Neige.